
…on my spiritual evolution, historical research, some startling
discoveries, and on hanging out in brewpubs with friends.

Breaking Bad Faith by Michael Camp

“One of the most helpful books for those in the process of deconstructing their faith.”
~ Amazon reviewer

“A really important and needed exposé.”
~ Brian McLaren

“…what our fractured society desperately needs right now.” ~ Heather Hamilton 

This book is not a sugar coated, syrupy repetition of typical deconstruction complaints.”
Dan Henderson 

“Camp fearlessly rakes through our theology to discover the good and expose the bad.”
David Hayward, aka the NakedPastor

“…helps us break away from the desire for the retribution that this [violent] God represents.”
~ Kevin Miller

I recommend his diagnosis and medicine!”
Thomas Jay Oord 

“An exposé of the corruption of American evangelicalism’s gospel/ethic.” ~ Michael Hardin 


Craft Brewed Jesus

What if the modern American church has its Christian history wrong?

“Wonderfully enlightening and refreshing!
I admit it was a slow start for me. I became worried about it being too "liberal." I was wrong. This gem is exactly what I needed, an excellent history lesson in the history of Christianity.”
~ Amazon Reviewer

“…instructional, poignant, and often insightful.”
~ Michael Hardin

”I read it like a starving person at a five-star restaurant.” ~ Wendy Francisco

“For me, this book had a magical quality. About half way through the book, I realized that my comprehensive understanding of life, love, and Spirit had been elevated. ~ Amazon reviewer


Confessions of a Bible Thumper

“If you are at a crossroads of faith and are troubled by some of the doctrines and ideologies you have been taught, and find yourself detached and disenfranchised… then please give careful consideration to reading "Confessions…" You won't be disappointed.” ~ Amazon Reviewer

If you have left evangelicalism and feel alone, this book (and more important the author) may just become a new friend. If you are concerned about why some Christians have left evangelicalism this book will help you understand some of their issues and thinking.” ~ Amazon Reviewer

Camp's book marks an important milestone… I recommend this book! ~ Frank Schaeffer

"An important book for both conservative and progressive Christians. Much of it reads like a novel while being highly instructive." -Marcus Borg

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