Religious Deconstruction Workshop

Helping you through a faith shift and the
religious deconstruction and reconstruction process.

An Illuminating On-Demand Workshop

Helps people who are in the process of deconstructing conservative Christianity. Are you rethinking what you were taught in evangelical or fundamentalist churches? Do you need help finding historical, fact-based answers to your nagging questions? Do you yearn to come to terms with it all and find a place or peace? Then this workshop is for you!

  • Led by Michael Camp. Learn about his journey and why he’s qualified

  • Six ~ 1 Hour Sessions available online. Comes with session Guides

  • Content from book Craft Brewed Jesus and myriad scholars and historians

  • Includes a paperback copy of Confessions of a Bible Thumper (US only)

  • Includes satisfaction guarantee

  • $59 cost for six hours of content!

  • Comes with Free 30-minute Coaching Session! Upon completing the workshop, contact me to arrange a session.

Sign Up and Access Today!

What People are Saying About the Workshop

“Michael Camp’s Religious Deconstruction Workshop I would recommend to anyone in the evangelical / fundamentalist mindset that wants to breathe the fresh air of freedom in there Christian Journey… I love his treatment of early church history and he does an excellent job also with how we got our current day scriptures. Michael in six sessions will hold your interest as you will understand that you are not the only person who questions what he has been taught in the Christian faith. This content was a solid rock of transformation for my personal journey. I highly recommend this workshop material. Go for it my friends!” ~ Sam Danner

Your Deconstruction Workshop has been a great help as I wade through all the thoughts and feelings
I have repressed for so long. I have finished four of the sessions and am learning a great deal. I appreciate you and the work you put into these. My God has gotten much bigger and I’m more in love with
Jesus than ever. It is time that we reclaim Jesus!” ~ Connie Buttaccio

”It’s an easy to use format with video instruction and printable materials. These sessions helped me the most: (1) How the Bible was put together, (2) Stages of Deconstruction, and (3) Psychological techniques and logic.”

What People are Saying About Michael’s Content the Workshop is Based On

”Wow. For me, this book [Craft Brewed Jesus] had a magical quality. About half way through, I realized my comprehensive understanding of life, love, and Spirit had been elevated. I felt different. Its spiritual insights and historical background information had combined to fill in gaps in my knowledge and understanding that I hadn't known existed. I could almost hear the ka-thunk of pieces fitting together.
Quite a book. May it bless you too.”
~ Amazon Reviewer

“Wonderfully enlightening and refreshing! I admit it was a slow start for me. I became worried
about it being too "liberal." I was wrong. This gem is exactly what I needed, an excellent history lesson
in the history of Christianity. It became very hard to put it down!”
~ Amazon Reviewer

SESSION 1 - Introduction and Uncovering Fear and Cognitive Dissonance


Learn how deconstruction works, the stages one goes through, the pitfalls, and the rewards. Get at the reasons we question theologies. Learn to recognize the red flags and not fear them. Learn how emotional and cognitive dissonance works and how to overcome it.

SESSION 2 - Shedding Historical Light on the Bible


How the Bible was compiled and why it starts here. Evangelicalism puts all its theological eggs in one biblical basket. Learn why this is an historical mistake. Be set free from inerrancy and Bible worship on one hand and tossing the Bible altogether on the other.

SESSION 3 - Shedding Historical Light on the “Church”


What “church’ or “ekklesia” really is. Christians put a lot of emphasis on church involvement, membership, and even the authority of the “church.” Learn how history reveals this is fallacy, the problematic nature of modern church, and alternatives for rethinking church.

Get a sneak peek at Session 4:

SESSION 4 - Shedding Historical Light on Salvation, the Cross, and Hell


How context and history changes everything. In evangelicalism, salvation boils down to a transaction. God saves only if… God decides you are the elect, Jesus is tortured on a cross, you accept Jesus, you obey and stay in the church, etc. Learn the historical universalist Eastern view and other historical facts that puts it all in context.

SESSION 5 - Cognitive and Philosophical Techniques to Make it Easier


These cognitive and philosophical techniques make it easier. I take you through the practice of “If-Then Logic,” a technique developed by Dr. David Smith, a philosopher at the University of Washington. Also, some cognitive techniques from psychologist David Burns, M.D. When learned, these can shave time off of the longer and often painful deconstruction process.

SESSION 6 - Finding Hope, Affirmation, and a Path Forward

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How reconstruction works and what matters most. The goal is to make it easy to think for yourself again. I give you tools that help you begin to set boundaries, find affirming allies, and discover what matters most, e.g. for some, the historical way of love and peacemaking. You ultimately choose your own path based on your own journey and research, whether it’s following the real, more historical Jesus, your own spiritual-but-not-religious path, or a post-”Christian” way.

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An eye-opening and fun workshop.

How does one navigate a faith shift without thinking you’re going crazy? You find new people who can affirm you and learn new ways of processing your thoughts. You discover you’re not alone. My on-demand online workshop puts people on a path to think for themselves again—without feeling guilty. Attendees learn facts around Jewish/Christian history, the origin of the Bible, how to identify harmful theologies, healthy philosophical and cognitive thinking methods, and logical reasoning to find true freedom. You are empowered to make your own way and make the deconstruction/reconstruction process easier. Sign up and access today!